The Performance Book

We can improve performance in the following places:

Frontend Processing

What are the parts of the critical render path

  • Browser requests HTML page

  • Browser starts building DOM as it parses HTML

  • Browser finds <link> tag in HTML so requests CSS file

  • Browser starts building CSSOM as it parses CSS

  • Browser finds <script> tag in HTML so requests JS file

  • Browser reads JS file and augments DOM/CSSDOM if needed

  • Browser finds <img> tag in HTML so requests IMG file

  • DOMContentLoaded event fired when DOM and CSSOM completed e.g. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback)

  • Browser combines DOM and CSSDOM into a render tree

  • Browser uses render tree to layout components

  • Browser uses render tree to paint components

  • load event fired when components have completed painting e.g. window.addEventListener('load', callback)

Notes: In the Chrome browser Developer Tools Network Tab, a blue vertical line indicates when DOMContentLoaded occurs and a red vertical line when Load event occurs

What are some handy tips I can follow to make sure my critical render path completes quickly


  • Keep your <link> tags in your <head /> so that CSSOM is completed as fast as possible

  • Keep your <script> tags just before your closing </ body> tag so DOM and CSSOM completed as fast as possible

  • Consider bundling <link /> tags into as few as possible to reduce the number of round-trips to server

  • Consider bundling <script> tags into as few as possible to reduce the number of round-trips to server


  • Consider using media queries to only load assets if it makes sense for device with that form factor

  • Consider using simplest possible selector queries to speed up CSSOM resolution

  • Consider keeping only your above the fold CSS in the <head/>

  • Consider lazy loading your below the fold CSS in a <script /> tab just before your closing </body>

      <!-- elided content -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
        const createStyleSheet = document.createStyleSheet || (href) => {
          const link = document.createElement('link')
          link.href = hrefÏ
          link.type = 'text/css'
          link.rel = 'stylesheet'
          const head = document.querySelector('head')


  • Load scripts asynchronously (Use for scripts that don't affect DOM or CSSOM e.g. Google Analytics)

  • Defer loading of scripts (Use for scripts that affect DOM or CSSOM for below the fold content)

  • Minimise DOM manipulation

  • Reduce long running scripts

Network Processing

How long it takes for data to go up/down the wire

Backend Processing

How long it takes to build a response for a request

Last updated